Prunk est hollandais. Profession? DJ à temps plein. Je l’ai rencontré pour la première fois en Août. Je m’étais levée très tôt pour une journée d’été, il pleuvait des cordes, je n’y voyais rien sur l’autoroute, j’étais en retard et je roulais à deux à l’heure. Prunk venait d’atterrir à l’aéroport de Nice et jouait le soir même pour Deep Klassified au Twiga Monte-Carlo. Quelques heures plus tôt, il finissait un set à Amsterdam. Je l’ai donc immédiatement déposé à son hôtel – sieste oblige – après un trajet de cent soixante-cinq ans cramponnée à mon volant. Huit heures plus tard, il est arrivé au Twiga sous un déluge d’été, chemise fleurie, lunettes de soleil, bière à la main. Sans plus attendre il s’est dirigé vers les platines et s’est mis à jouer un morceau de Saint Germain. Lorsque j’ai entendu ce remix je me suis dis qu’il pouvait pleuvoir, grêler, neiger, qu’importe, c’était la fête dans ma tête! Je l’ai re-aperçu après son set assis devant une pizza le sourire aux lèvres. Je crois qu’il était juste content d’avoir enfin réussi à faire danser un parterre monégasque d’ingurgiter quelques calories. La suite? Hotel – sleep – airport – party – repeat! Implanté à Amsterdam, il nous livre à ma plus graaannnnnde joie sa sélection d’adresses locales !
Prunk is Dutch. Job ? Full-time DJ. I met him for the first time in August. I had woken up very early for a summer day, it was raining cats and dogs, I couldn’t see a thing on the highway, I was running late but driving extremely slowly. Prunk had just landed at the Nice airport, and was playing that same evening for Deep Klassified at Twiga Monte-Carlo. A few hours earlier, he was just finishing a set in Amsterdam. So after driving in the rain for one hundred sixty five years (yes, I am that slow), I immediately dropped him off at his hotel for a long overdue nap. Eight hours later, he arrived at Twiga under the pouring summer rain, flowery shirt, sunglasses, beer in his hand. Without losing a minute, he headed towards the turntable, and started to play a tune from Saint Germain. As soon as I heard this remix, I thought to myself that it could rain, hail, snow, or whatever, I was ready to party! I saw him again after he had finished his set, sitting in front of a pizza, smiling. I think he was just happy to have managed to make a group of monegasques dance eat a few calories for the day. What next? Hotel – sleep – airport – party – repeat! Based in Amsterdam, he gently reveals his selection of local addresses. Dank u!
1) Best place to dine out before a set? There’s a new restaurant called “Restaurant Breda” with typical burgundian Dutch food. It’s awesome ! 2) Which specialty Dutch food should I try? I recommend the Indonesian-Dutch kitchen. In Amsterdam you’ll find a lot of “Toko’s”, which are Asian oriented supermarkets that also serve food. I recommend you try the “Rissoles”. It’s an Indonesian croquette but with a nice Dutch touch to it. 3) Favourite place to party? The Marktkantine. It’s a new venue in Amsterdam which has the best dj’s from the underground house and techno scene over every weekend. 4) Key address to buy new tracks/music? Rush Hour. Right in city centre and not far from the train station. 5) Early breakfast in the city and why? Canvas. Not only do they serve great food but also one of the best views in Amsterdam. 6) Best event in the city and why? I would have to say “DGTL” because they’re on a totally different level than other festivals. They try out new types of technology such as advanced payment systems. It’s almost like it’s a festival from the future. Not to mention they always have a huge line-up. 7) Where to chill out on Sundays? In the nature. You can take the public transport to Bloemendaal and it only takes up to 25 minutes. You’ll find beautiful dunes and a lovely beach over there. 8) Favourite season in Amsterdam? Summer of course! 9) One of the best performance memory? The Straf_Werk festival 2015 at the MainStage. 10) Where do you recharge batteries and escape from the crowd? Backstage ;)